Friday, April 26, 2024

Basic Google Goal Tracking for aMember

Here’s how to set up google’s analytics goal settings to track funnel conversions in your amember site signup flow. This is the first of a two part series on setting up goals. This part is how to set up signup page order goals in amember. Running Time: 7:20

Adding Fields in aMember, then in WordPress with amprotect

Here’s how to add a field to the signup page and profile page in aMember, and then allow that content to be displayed for members on your wordpress integrated site (using amprotect). Running Time: 9:30

aWeber in front of aMember for a single opt-in

Here’s how you can put the aweber opt in form in front of amember, in order to have a single opt in, followed by an amember registration. Running Time: 15:34

Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking with Asyc in aMember

You manage what you measure, and one of the most important things to measure is the value of a new signup. Requested and worked on with premium member greenunivers here’s how we are currently tracking the ecommerce value of a new signup with Google Analytics Async in aMember.

Google Website Optimizer A/B Split Testing for aMember

You probably know the power of split testing, but are you doing it? Why not at least try to improve the conversion of your “join now” button? Here’s how to use google website optimizer, a free a/b split testing tool with your amember site! Running Time: 6:03

Customizing your Clickbank payment screen

Here’s how to customize the Clickbank payment screen to better fit the design of your site. This will reduce shopping cart abandonment, and increase your conversions. Running Time: 8:56

Group Sales using the aMember Plugin Subusers

December 8, 2010 by  
Filed under aMember 3.x, aMember Content, Premium Videos

Want to sell group memberships to teams, associations and have them signup their own members? The amember plugin “subusers” will let you do just that. Here’s how to set up and use the plugin along with a $10 off coupon. Running Time: 9:00

How to Add a New Product to amProtect Protected Content Quickly

Are you using amprotect to integrate amember and wordpress? If you add a new level or product, you need to go back into wordpress and update each post to allow the new level or product access. Here’s how to speed up the process using phpmyadmin and an SQL query. Running Time: 9:34

Setting aMember for Verifying Email on a Selected Product, Special Hack

September 22, 2010 by  
Filed under aMember 3.x, aMember Content, Premium Videos

Here’s a quick hack that will allow you to set amember to require an email confirmation for a specific product. This will allow you to require free subscribers to confirm their accounts, while paid members will automatically get access to their subscriptions without confirmation. This is an improvement over the standard amember site wide setting. […]

Setting up Paypal Sandbox with aMember

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under aMember 3.x, aMember Content, Premium Videos

With the introduction of fees for refunds, you may now want to use Paypal’s sandbox to test out your system without having to do a real payment. Here’s how to set up Paypal Sandbox to work with aMember. Running Time: 6:43

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